ECON 2001.01 Lecture 5: ECON2001.01, lec 5

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Law of supply holds 90% of the time - not too bad. Supple refers to the quantity of a good that sellers are willing and able to supply to the market at various prices over a fixed period of time. The law of supply tells us that as the price of a good increases, the quantity supplied will increase, all else held constant. There is a positive relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied. A higher price makes the seller more willing and able to bring the product to market. The supply curve is usually upward sloping because of diminishing marginal productivity. Diminishing marginal productivity says that if at least one factor of production is fixed, the marginal productivity of using additional variable factors of production will eventually fall, all else held constant. Diminishing marginal productivity leads to increasing marginal costs of production.

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