BIOL 122 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Santa Barbara City College, Poison Dart Frog, Mimic Octopus

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Numerical response: a change in the number of predators through population. Population growth of predators is usually slower than their prey species growth or movement of individuals. Movement of individuals into areas of high prey density is much faster. Anti-predator adaptations can complicate population cycle predictions. In the presence of a predator, activity decreases for multiple species. Morphological adaptations can lead to reduced predation risk. Cryptic coloration and mimicry are also morphological anti-predator adaptations. This allows for better acceleration to escape predators. Increased muscle mass leads to hump-backed shape in crucian carp. Crypsis: camouflage that allows an individual to match its environment and avoid. Co-opt harsh chemicals (used to deter herbivores) from milkweed plants. Chemical defenses can also be used to deter a predator predators into their own tissues. Bombadier beetles can mix chemicals and enzymes in their abdomen to create a mace-like spray. Wasps and hornets (poisonous to predators), fly (mimic)

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