BIO 203 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Metabolic Waste, Ectotherm, Protein Isoform
Document Summary
Ingested foods include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The end products of ingested foods are typically co 2 and metabolic h 2 o. However, metabolic breakdown of proteins also produces nh 3 (nitrogenous wastes) Excreted (high levels of nh 3 are lethal) In some animals, converted to less toxic forms of nitrogen (i. e. urea and uric acid) Trade o(cid:130)fs - energy expenditure vs water conservation. Ectothermy : use of external heat to thermoregulate. Poikilotherms (older terminology = variable t b ) Endothermy : use of internal heat (i. e. mr) to thermoregulate. Homeotherms (older terminology = constant t b ) Heterothermy : use of both internal and external heat to thermoregulate. Relationship between metabolic rate (mr) and ambient temperature (t amb ) in ectotherms. Relation between t b and t amb for endotherms. Relation between mr and t amb in endotherms. Relationship between metabolic rate (mr) and ambient temperature (t amb )