BIO 203 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Stenohaline, Thermoregulation, Symporter

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18 Sep 2017

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1 mmol of any substance 1 mosm solution. Not necessarily true since protein has a larger volume than urea but for dilute solutions ok. Doesn"t depend on the speci(cid:128)c molecular species. 1m nacl solution 2 osm (na + and cl - ) Di(cid:130)ferent dissolved solutes add independently in determining total osmolarity. Better for cellular level - tonicity is de(cid:128)ned as the e(cid:130)fect a solution has on a cell. An animal that maintains a stable bfoc despite osmotic stress (i. e. mammals) An animal whose bfoc tracks environmental osmotic concentration. An animal that can survive over a wide range of environmental osmotic concentrations. An animal that can tolerate only a limited range of environmental osmotic concentrations. In most cases, vertebrates are osmoregulators with a bfoc of ~300 mosm. How do osmoregulators do this? (consider water budget) The importance of speci(cid:128)c factors depends on each animal"s needs and environment. Water and ion regulation are linked because: