BIO 202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Sucrase, Reaction Rate

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Formed by interaction between separate protein chains to form a more complex molecule. Presence of active chemicals (detergents, denaturing agents) temperature. Denaturation is the destruction of the 2,3, and 4 degree structure. Catalysts increase the reaction rate without being consumed by the reaction. A(cid:374)ythi(cid:374)g with a(cid:374) (cid:862)a(cid:863) i(cid:374) the e(cid:374)d is a(cid:374) e(cid:374)zy(cid:373)e: example: sucrase. Reactants => products: reactants, bond breaking, requires energy, energy input is required for bond breaking, products, bond formation, releases energy, energy is released after bond formation. Endergonic reaction (energy of the reactants is smaller than the energy of the products. Exergonic reaction (energy of the reactants is greater than the energy of the products) Enzymes reduce the activation energy, making the reaction possible. Enzymes lower the activation energy, but do not change the net energy released. Usually proteins: exception is, ribozyme (rna that cleaves rna) E(cid:374)z(cid:455)(cid:373)es are usuall(cid:455) (cid:374)a(cid:373)ed b(cid:455) addi(cid:374)g suffi(cid:454) (cid:862)a e(cid:863) to the (cid:374)a(cid:373)e of the substrate (ex: sucrase, dnase, phosphatase, cellulase.