SOC 105 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Stephen Jay Gould, The Bell Curve, Functional Illiteracy

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Name of largest piece of federal legislation regarding education since 1965. There is an achievement gap in education. Different groups of students perform differently on a number of educational measures. Key controversial measure if of intelligence (level of intellectual ability) Most socially measures of intelligence = iq (intelligence quotient) Stephen jay gould, the mismeasure of man. What about emotional intelligence (ability to identify, assess, & control the emotions of oneself. Herrnstein & murray"s the bell curve - claimed ~15 difference b/w blacks & whites. Inequality by design showed that herrnstein & murray"s statistics hadn"t accounted for social influences on the iq test. Iq tests change over the course of your life & dependent on systemic inequality. Iq has also changed as a whole over time. If you threaten a group w/a judgement of their social identity based on group affiliation (rather than individual ability) as a whole, the group will perform according to that stereotype.

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