SOC 105 Lecture 17: [SOC 105] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 43 pages long Study Guide!

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*features tells us where we are from (race) A group of at least two people is considered a society. Socially constructed: we make the rules of our society. Because we made it we could, in theory, change them but it"s harder than expected. We are part of rule so it seems natural but it is actually contrived. Industrial rev was huge catalyst of sociology. Meritocracy: you reap what you sow; american dream . Beliefs that contradict evidence: social structure vs individual agency. C. wright mills and the sociological imagination. Biography is just as important as our history. If , after we graduate, we can"t earn enough to support ourselves, it"s not bc we aren"t hard-working. Civil rights act (can"t deny based on race/gender) Manifest intended to be in the society. Classes proletariat sell labor power to survive. Alienation factory assembly line; no interaction w coworkers; personal disconnect btwn consumer and product.

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