HST 111 Lecture 1: hst 111

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22 Aug 2016

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John clyn, annals of ireland, monk, wrote after fellow monks mysteriously died someone else records in the annals that clyn died shortly after the plague consequences of the black death was medieval europe. Europe is coming to the end of several centuries of growth and prosperity absolute population would not be the same until 19th century very good in france, germany, lower country vast majority of growth in country side. Mongol policies control silk road, 40 million people die during mongol conquest , 10% of the world- europeans are scared christendom. 1251 mongol army enters hungary and what is now poland and wipes out european army. Mongols never actually try to conquer europe, don"t care, too marginal, not the right kind of geo for pastoral kind of life. Pax mongolica- peace of the mongols-happens after they are done conquering- route becomes easy to travel- want to encourage trade and communication- 13th century can communicate regularly between europe and china.

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