CH-0001 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Chickenpox, Assiti Shards Series, Antiviral Drug
Document Summary
October 18, 2017: objectives, describe the burden of disease caused by communicable diseases. Infectious disease: both in terms of clinical practices and agricultures, organism, caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites- may or may not be communicable, ex: food poisoning, lyme disease, communicable disease. Intrapersonal or individual: *individual decisions are shaped by our social conditions. Schools: play a big role as places to gather, receive care, community. Housing availability: sanitation facilities, communication channels, key for responding to disasters, public policy/ societal. October 18, 2017: biology (bacteria, virus, environment, housing, climate, water, food sources, pollution, routes of transmission, direct contact (pathogen survives best inside the body, ed: hiv, herpesviruses, ebola. Illness can be transmitted days/weeks prior to onset of symptoms: examples, chicken pox, measles, mumps. Incubation: time between invasion of the body and sign or symptoms: prodromal period: infection without clinical manifestation.