BIO 319 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: C-Terminus, Rna Polymerase Iii, Rna Polymerase Ii
Document Summary
Phosphorylation of rna pol ii ctd (carboxy terminal domain) Genomes are much larger and regulatory elements act over great distances. Multi-subunit general transcription factors are required for initiation (instead of the sigma factor!) Promoter-proximal pausing important part of polii transcription cycle: provides a way to prime the transcription so it doesn"t have to go through a process. 3 rna polymerases are need to transcribe rna from dna. Rna polymerases: the beta and beta" subunits are all show in bacteria as well as archaea and eukaryotes. 3 eukaryotic rna polymerases: rna polymerase i - transcribe all genes to rrna, rna polymerase ii: transcribe all genes for mrna and snrna(subunits that make up the spliceosome) Polii c-terminal domain (repeated sequence of tyr-se-pro-thr-ser-pro-ser) Humans have 52 repeats of these 7 amino acids. Importance of phosphorylation polymerase at appropriate times. Factors promoting elongation or termination can be tethered to. Factors can be coordinated with rna processing, as processing factors.