BIOL 2443 Lecture 10: Physiological Basis of Therapeutics L8

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20 Feb 2019

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Integumentary system (integument: largest system of the body, sixteen percent of body weight, 1. 5 to 2 m2 of surface area, two major parts, cutaneous membrane (skin, accessory structures, components of the cutaneous membrane, outer epidermis, superficial epithelium. Increase the area of basal lamina: has many basal cells, or germinative cells, stem cells that replace superficial keratinocytes, ridges and ducts. Tuesday, september 4, 2018: ulcer: localized shedding of an epithelium due to damage, decubitis ulcer (bedsore) due to compression of superficial blood vessels in skin, requires frequent movement (special beds) Tuesday, september 4, 2018: and also blood circulation (red cells/hemoglobin, melanin, red-yellow or brown-black (u-melanin) pigment, produced by melanocytes in stratum germinativum in response to. Jaundice: buildup of bile/bilirubin produced by liver from hemolysis and liver disease, skin and whites of eyes may turn yellow/orange, pituitary tumor. Insufficient vitamin d3 can cause rickets: have to get vitamins from diet b/c body doesn"t make them at all or doesn"t make enough.

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