HIST 1123 Lecture 8: World Civ Pt. 2 Midterm - Final

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Major themes in the 19th/20th c. world history (world war i) It shows that you are not just strong in your normal area but look how far we can put control in other areas out of our boundaries". Imperialism is where you move and claim other colonies that is now under your rule. Interlocking alliances drag in multiple countries, avoiding localized war. Horror of war has been obscured by decades of peace. People forget about how brutal wartime is - death, government control during wartime. War seems very romanticized during this time - nearly two generations of people who hadn"t experienced war. When you haven"t had war in such a long time they kinda jump into it without much thinking of the outcomes. Think of the european colonies that are in africa, you also have outbreaks of war within these colonies as well because their neighbors might be against you runs your colony.

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