INTL 280 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Agroecology, Crop Yield, Agricultural Biodiversity
Document Summary
Root problems: problem isn"t so much inadequate food production, rather, overconsumption of natural resources (especially in the. North: maldistrubtion of land, food, etc, fixation on profit vs food security (e. g. cash crops vs food crops) which can be traced to free-market, export oriented models of development. Solutions: land reform: small farmers must regain land to farm on and food should be distributed more equitably, replace cash crops with food crops. Eg replace willamette grass see with beans and grains. Eg replace large-scale palm-oil plantations in indonesia w/ native rice varieties: small-scale organic-farming, root causes of high fertility rates are ameliorated through social justice (equitable land and food distribution; empowerment of women reducing patriarchal norms, reducing consumption. Was a strong impetus for the agricultural green revolution aimed at boosting food production. Mexican gov in 1940s established an intl agriculture research station to develop varieties of wheat to feed rapidly growing population. By 1964 exported million tons wheat.