BIO SCI 97 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Erwin Chargaff, Archibald Garrod, Nucleic Acid Double Helix

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Lecture 1 | the molecular basis of heredity, variation and evolution | 9. 29. 2017. Modern genetics developed during the 20th century and is a prominent discipline of the biological. Dna replication produces exact copies of the original molecule. The (cid:862)(cid:272)e(cid:374)tral dog(cid:373)a of (cid:271)iolog(cid:455)(cid:863) des(cid:272)ri(cid:271)i(cid:374)g the relatio(cid:374)ship (cid:271)et(cid:449)ee(cid:374) dna, rna, a(cid:374)d protei(cid:374) is a. Gene expression is a two-step process that first produces an rna transcript of a gene and then. Evolution is a foundation of modern genetics that occurs through four processes. synthesizes an amino acid string by translation of rna. foundation of molecular biology. 1. 1 modern genetics is in its second century. Biologists reached similar conclusions about the pattern of hereditary traits in plants. Archibald garrod discovered the first documented example of human hereditary disorder by observing alkaptonuria in many members of unrelated families. Walter sutton and theodore boveri used microscopy to observe how chromosome movement mirrored transmission of mendelian hereditary units.