INTL ST 151B Lecture 1: LecNotes
Document Summary
Religion & world politics - prof. cecilia lynch. Religious syncretism exhibits blending of two or more religious belief systems into a new system, or the incorporation into a religious tradition of beliefs from unrelated traditions. Abrahamic religions (stem from abraham): judaism, christianity, islam. Ethical framework for ppl to manipulate their lives. Elites use it to create conflict than resolve it. Christianity used as a weapon in crusades. Religious exclusivism my group is better than your group . Pos: build community, brought the renaissance, teach love & tolerance. Religion is rigid but only thru conflict does it change - martin luther. Reading: the desecularization of the world - peter l berger (1999) Berger used to subscribe to secularization theory of the 50s-60s - not anymore b/c it"s false. Modernization necessarily leads to decline of religion in society & minds of individuals, which are both separate. Some institutions have lost power but beliefs & practices still occur in lives of individuals.