GEOG 142 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: John Stuart Mill, Malthusianism, Demography
Document Summary
1,300 bc: genesis- be fruitful and multiply. 500 bc: confucius governments should maintain balance between population and resources. 360 bc: plato population quality is more important than quantity. 340 bc: aristotle population should be limited; abortion might be appropriate. 50 bc: cicero population growth is necessary to maintain the roman empire. 400 ad: st. augustine abstinence is the preferred way to deal with sexuality; second best is to marry and procreate. 1280 ad: st. thomas aquinas celibacy is not better than marriage and procreation. 1380 ad: ibn khaldun population growth increases occupational specialization and raises incomes. 1500-1800: mercantilism increasing national wealth depends on a growing population that can stimulate trade. 1700-1800: physiocrats population size depends upon the wealth of the land, which is stimulated by free trade (so-called laissez-faire). 1798: malthus population grows exponentially while food supply grows arithmetically; poverty is the result of the absence of moral restraint.