SPAN 44 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Royal Flags Of Thailand, Wiphala, Ayllu

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30 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Story of the lady blood-cosmic world integrated with the underworld (xibalba) That"s why there was lots of references to the ball game. The 1 and 7 twins were killed playing a ball game. The second set of twins were sent to the underworld because they were playing twins. Also when they danced in front of the underworld kings. The centrality of ritual in old mayan society. Ex) they are tricksters when they finally defeat the kings they go and recover the bones of the past father"s. The interaction is between everything, the natural world and the underworld is connected and interrelated. Also life and death they die and resurrect even though they die several times of in the hands of the lords of the underworld. Your body resurrects you have to make room to let go. Tells us about the life cycle of the mayan world. The centrality of maize as the main nutritional elements.

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