CLASS 40 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Utnapishtim
Document Summary
Builds a boat to save animals and himself. Call to adventure, usually a kid, refusal to call. Road of trials, meets with a goddess (temptress) to distract hero from quest, hero has to reject her. Has to deal with the father (atonement with father) Ultimate boon (a good thing), returns and changes society with an object, apotheosis (hero worshipped as a god) Decomposition- take character and split into two or more different characters. Journey to the liminal zone humbaba the terrible (monster) Hero has to confront death in the liminal zone and learns about the meaning of life. Sidekick stands in for the death of the hero. Gilgamesh brings a near eastern plant of immortality. Tyndareus king of the sparta; daughter helen of sparta. Has to stay awake for 7 days (spell); snake steals the plant. Gets furious and her father anu sends the bull of heaven. Zeus is in love with thetis, prophesizes that their child will overthrow.