CLASS 40 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Acrisius, Castration Anxiety, Serifos

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20 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Local heroes: myths of crete, archaeological reality: human sacrifice, minos, minotaur, glaukos, myths of argos, io, danaids, perseus and medusa. Odysseus doesn"t give mercy to the suitors. Society has been changed with bad xenia but after odysseus returns, order is restored. Male relatives of the suitors want to get revenge but the gods make them forget. Archanes- sanctuary with 3 chambers and shrines. Royal house of crete- europa and zeus, children minos+paisphae: pasiphae mates with a bull to create the minotaur. Ariadne is another child: ariadne betrays her family to help theseus. Cretan myth: glaukos son of minos is missing: falls in a vat of honey and becomes preserved in the honey, soothsayer polyeidos solves a riddle and finds glaukos, minos buries glaukos with polyeidos. A snake makes a plant that could revive glaukos. Glaukos is brought back to life: glaukos is worshipped in knossos. Danaios wants his daughters to marry 50 sons.

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