CLASS 40 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Lysippos, Bucephalus, Retail Park

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History into myth: alexander the great (323 bc) Conquests of alexander the great and creation of hellenistic world. Macedonia becomes a power center after the 4th century after athens. Alexander conquers the persian empire and enlarges the greek world. Alexander brought historians with him on his journey. Tomb of achilles near troy: alexander launches campaign against persia. Palace of gordian, gordian knot labor: breaks the knot with his sword. Sidekick: hephaistion: throws him a great funeral, mortality side. Alexander vs. darius (persian king: didn"t hurt royal captive women. India- indian campaign requires different conception of hero: men turn against alexander. The men are destroyed by their recklessness: soldiers mutiny cause pain to alexander. Alexander visits the tomb of cyrus the great (persian king: founder of the persian empire, alexander is a modern day cyrus, confronting death before death. The way greek myths convey religious ideas is often difficult for us to understand.

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