GEOG 3B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Dew Point, Transpiration, Evaporation
Document Summary
Most land area is in the n. hemisphere. Changes as a result of (heat) energy absorbed (+) or released(-) (vapor(gas), liquid and solid. Phase changes atmosphere which warms the air surrounding the molecule. When gas molecules condense into liquid drops, latent heat is released into the. When they become raindrops it releases energy into the atmosphere. Biggest release of energy is from the water vapor. Vapor pressure: pressure created by water vapor alone. Freezing temperatures do not hold as much(low saturation) Saturation vapor pressure: maximum vapor pressure at a given air temp. Humidity patterns: if air temperature increases, the relative humidity decreases(when there is no change in the amount of water vapor in the air) At every temperature there is a point when the air has saturation. Evaporation and transpiration(water vapor out through vegetation) Liquid water is released as a gas. Evaporation:movement of water from a wet surface into a parcel of air.