HIST 2B Lecture 4: History 2B 4

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30 Jan 2017
History 2B
January 25, 2017
Key Terms:
The Crusader States (1099-1291)
Salah al-Din (1137/8-1193)
Pope Innocent III (1198-1216)
Fourth Lateran Council (1215)
Factors produced the Crusades
Economic, demographic growth and emergence of papacy as leader of Latin
How did the crusades impact relations between Latin Christendom and its neighbors?
Greater interconnectivity via the Mediterranean as well as deep-seated fear and
hatred of Latin Christians (“Franks”) by Greek Orthodox, Muslim populations
The Crusades
Cruces signati: “those signed by the cross”
Pilgrimage: journey to a holy site, with spiritual benefits
o Usually unarmed
o Places: Jerusalem, Rome
o Knights and warrior elite go on pilgrimage to expiate sins
Crusades: armed pilgrimage
Christian Holy War: Antecedents
Heraclius I (r.610-41): holy war v. Zoroastrian Persia
Byzantine- Arab warfare
o Arab conquered Byzantine empire
o Believed God wanted a war against non-Christians
Muslim Sicily, al-Andalus
o Islam vs. Christian religious war
Europe in 1095
A patchwork of small kingdoms
o King of France has trouble getting warrior elites to do his bidding. Doesn’t
have much power
o Nobles are the main participants of the first crusade
Power is local, rural
o Power comes in strongholds (castles)
Elites: local lords, warriors; religious specialists (bishops, monks, priests)
o Clerical elite vs. military elite
The Gregorian Reform Movement 1075-1095
Ecclesiastical v. political power
Pope Gregory VII (r. 1073-1085)
o Believed that church controls lands and resources, religious appointments
Contest with German Emperor, Henry IV
o Maintained tight control over his bishops
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Document Summary

Factors produced the crusades: economic, demographic growth and emergence of papacy as leader of latin. How did the crusades impact relations between latin christendom and its neighbors: greater interconnectivity via the mediterranean as well as deep-seated fear and hatred of latin christians ( franks ) by greek orthodox, muslim populations. The crusades: cruces signati: those signed by the cross , pilgrimage: journey to a holy site, with spiritual benefits, usually unarmed, places: jerusalem, rome, knights and warrior elite go on pilgrimage to expiate sins, crusades: armed pilgrimage. Christian holy war: antecedents: heraclius i (r. 610-41): holy war v. zoroastrian persia, byzantine- arab warfare, arab conquered byzantine empire, believed god wanted a war against non-christians, muslim sicily, al-andalus, islam vs. christian religious war. Europe in 1095: a patchwork of small kingdoms, king of france has trouble getting warrior elites to do his bidding.

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