ENGR 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Special Functions, Operand, Standard Streams

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24 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Algorithms must be more precise than pseudocode to be understood by a computer. So we must write them in a programming language. A programming language has precise syntax (grammar) and semantics (meaning) An algorithm in a programming language is called a program. So far we have only done this in matlab. Compiled programming languages interpreted languages - flexible but slow. Each line gets translated independently but you always have to pay the price of having an interpreter around. Compiled languages - are less flexible but more efficient. The entire program gets translated at once so when it is executing the cpu only deals with native code. Hard to tell where the error is. Much of this program is scaffolding like when you are building a building and put up a framework that give the compiler some context tells program when to start. Curly brackets is like creating a new file.

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