FSOS 1101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Attachment In Adults, Ambivalence, Impulsivity
Document Summary
Special emotional relationship that involves an exchange of comfort, care, and pleasure. Returning to figure when in fear or threatened. Attachment figure acts as foundation from which exploration can evolve. Secure attachment our own senses of self-needs and wants. Infants and children are wholly self-centered and egocentric. Early relations sensitize us to what we expect from others in our relations. More complicated manners in which we perceive ourselves are generally connected to our early. And so are the manners in which we perceive others. Our own need and wants are seen in the context of others" needs and wants. Want to be completely emotionally intimate with others. Seeks high levels of intimacy, approval, and responsiveness from partners. High levels of emotional expressiveness, worry, and impulsivity. Individual attachment styles are highly correlated with: Secure attachment is most highly correlated with relationship satisfaction. Higher views of others +lower views of self. More likely to stay in unhappy unions.