BIOL 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Stratified Squamous Epithelium, Connective Tissue, Hemangioma
Document Summary
Epidermis superficial layer of stratified squamous epithelium. Dermis deeper layer of dense irregular ct. A third layer deep to the dermis (not considered part of the integument). = the hypodermis (subcutaneous layer): mostly of adipose ct, some areolar ct. Regulates movement of materials between epith. and connective tiss. Melanin: pigment produced and stored in melanocytes. occurs in various yellow, reddish, tan, brown, and black shades. Hemangioma capillary hemangiomas ( strawberry-colored birthmarks ) cavernous hemangiomas ( port-wine stains ) Most diverse, abundant, widely distributed, and structurally variable of all tissues. Cells different cells for different type of ct. Ct types present after birth can be classified into three broad categories: Mesenchymal cells: divide to replace damaged cells of the ct. 2 major regions of dermis contain ct proper. Location of hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, nerves, blood vessels. Cells: formed elements erythrocytes (red blood cells) leukocytes (white blood cells) platelets. Plasma: protein fibers dissolved in watery ground substance.