BIOL 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Precentral Gyrus, Postcentral Gyrus, Primary Olfactory Cortex

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13 Sep 2016

Document Summary

An adult brain: weighs between 1. 35 and 1. 4 kg, volume of about 1200 cubic centimeters (cc). Physical size of the brain does not determine intelligence but number of synapses. Terminology: _______is derived from ____, _______differentiated to_____ Prosencephalon (forebrain) primary: telencephalon (cerebrum) secondary [deep fissure (longitudinal fissure) separates into 2 hemispheres, diencephalon - secondary. Mesencephalon (midbrain) primary: mesencephalon (part of brainstem) - secondary. Rhombencephalon (hindbrain) primary: metencephalon - secondary. Pons (part of brainstem) and cerebellum: myelencephalon secondary. Medulla oblongata (part of brainstem) passes through foramen magnum and becomes spinal cord. Gray matter: cerebral, cerebellar cortex, cerebral (basal) nuclei. White matter cortex: corpus callosum band that connects left and right cerebral hemispheres, internal white matter bulk of what we see, internal capsule between cerebral nuclei (communication with cerebral cortex, fornix. 2nd level: association areas (contain memories of past experiences associated with what sensory input is coming in) 3rd level: functional brain regions (multiple association areas feed into awareness or understanding)

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