Verified Documents at University of Toronto Scarborough

Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for MGEA05H3 - Introduction to Macroeconomics at University of Toronto Scarborough …
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John Parkinson

Verified Documents for John Parkinson

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
MGEA05H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Gdp Deflator, Producer Price Index
Lecture: class meets: thursdays 7 10pm in ic-130, lectures will be taped and will be available on weboption. Teaching assistants" office hours: we have
MGEA05H3 Lecture 1: Chapter 6 and 7
MGEA05H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Gdp Deflator, Labour Force Survey, National Research Universal Reactor
If your income goes up at the same rate as the inflation, then you can keep up". Consumer price index (cpi) uses base-year quantities to determine the
MGEA05H3 Lecture 2: Lecture 02
Gdp measures the sum of all final goods and services produced within a country. Gnp measures the sum of all final goods and services produced by a coun
MGEA05H3 Lecture 3: Lecture 03
Natural rate of unemployment is in the long-run and is normal. Inflation refers to a rise in the overall price level. Inflation = (price in current yea
MGEA05H3 Lecture 4: Lecture 04
Lecture 04 savings, investment spending and the financial system. In canada, patents are granted and administered by the canadian. Matching up savings
MGEA05H3 Lecture 5: Lecture 05
The (domestic) demand for loanable funds: the demand for funds comes from investment because those who have investment opportunities (mainly households
MGEA05H3 Lecture 6: Lecture 06
Lecture 06 aggregate demand and aggregate supply. If there is a permanent increase in income, households would spend most of the increase in income now
MGEA05H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Price Level, Aggregate Supply, Aggregate Demand
Lecture 09 aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Planned(p): when ae0 goes down, ad shifts to the right, when ae0 goes down, ad shifts to the left. Ag