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46 skills
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The end result of the study of macroeconomics is the understanding of the fundamental aspects of how economic systems function. In macroeconomics, we study the economic decisions made at the national level, such as GDP, demand and supply of money, inflation and international trade. Master the concepts of how the government takes economic decisions for a nation and get better grades.
$49 USD
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When you purchase one booster class, we will give a free class to a student who needs it most.

A course built just for you.

Learn career transferable skills using our step by step personalized teaching methods. Each booster class is divided by skills that are connected to the chapters in your textbook of choice.

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Learn the way you want

Learn the way you want

Built for visual, auditory, kinesthetic, reading & writing learners.

On your own time

On your own time

All the learning materials and help you need, right when you need it.

On your favorite device

On your favorite device

Desktop, laptop, tablets, mobile, it works on every devices.

Why learn economics

Understanding conventional macroeconomic thinking and comprehending the various policies undertaken by the state in the era of globalization.
Assist in better conceptualizing and critically assessing the cause and effects of economic problems within companies and the governments.
The command over concepts improves the odds of enhanced income for all and access to real-world macroeconomic development.
Become an expert and help the state department in ensuring fairness in market mechanisms enabled by macroeconomics experts.

About our lecturers

OneClass lecturers have one thing in common, they specialize in one on one personalized education. For this reason, they have a lot of experience in spotting the bottlenecks that can affect your progress in learning all the intricacies of Macroeconomics.
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Raghav R.
Raghav R.
Economics, Accounting and Finance expert
Raghav was attracted to the subjects of Economics to understand why some countries are rich and others are poor. He believes that while institutions play an important role, at the core of any economy, the skills of the labour market contribute immensely to the prosperity of a nation. Before becoming an instructional designer, Raghav pursued extensive studies in international economics and helped design curriculum at the University of British Columbia.

What is special about the OneClass approach?

We like to think of OneClass as a personalized class of one. A class where the learning outcomes of each student is not taken for granted. We want to make sure each student can express their needs and that as an organization, we are listening, adapting and improving our offerings continuously. Unleashing the potential of each student being the ultimate goal, we are committed to bringing you with us on this journey of discovery.

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Enroll on your own or with a group.

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Buy a class, empower someone’s success

OneClass has made our booster classes an innovation in personalized learning. Each student now has the ability to #MakeEducationPersonal and learn based on their skills and their unique talents.

We wanted to share this with every student, everywhere.

When you purchase one booster class, we will give a free class to students who need it most. We see education as the power to build something better. Giving a class to someone in need means that we can empower that student to do better, be better, and make an impact on their local community.

Education is the cornerstone to a better world. When we #MakeEducationPersonal, each student now can be empowered to do more, learn better, and create a better world for all of us.

Student ratings

I had some concerns that this macroeconomics course would be over my head, but it was easy to understand and gave me a solid foundation. I appreciated the real-world examples provided, which helped put things into context and make them relevant.
Amanda K.
I have tried other online courses but they were just a digital delivery of what I would learn in a traditional classroom setting. With booster classes, I can focus on not just the concept, but more specifically the skill that I will be tested on.
W. Fu
I was struggling to understand the AD-AS equilibrium model the night before my final exam. I didn’t have the time to watch a 30 minute Youtube video and I just wanted a smart friend to explain it and then test my understanding. The booster class did exactly that for me.
Simon T.