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Roderick Gillis

Verified Documents for Roderick Gillis

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Grip Strength, Edward B. Titchener, Wilhelm Wundt
1859 the origin of species made earth changing claims. Theory of evolution cannot have natural selection w/out variation in gene pool. Darwin did not k
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Experiment
Develop theory explains patterns in data good theory leads to a testable hypothesis. Testable hypothesis not scienti c until you design a testable hypo
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Experiment, Psy
Develop theory explains patterns in data good theory leads to a testable hypothesis. Testable hypothesis not scienti c until you design a testable hypo
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Descriptive Statistics
The eld of statistics can be divided into two branches: A. descriptive statistics presenting data in an easy to understand way: measure of central tend
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Coevolution, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, Reuptake
Myelin sheath make signal move faster; prevent bleed off (short-circuiting) of the signal. Axon bud/ button swelling at the axon terminals. Neural impu
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Passport Records, Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe
The brain: imaging techniques, cat or ct, cat/ ct scan one of the earliest brain scans was an x-ray machine. 1: different states (early research in bra
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Central Processing Unit, Optical Illusion, Psy
Psy 110: good at verbal activity talking, understanding, speech, reading, writing, more than one central processing unit in our heads (left brain, righ
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Visual Cortex, Frontal Lobe, Central Processing Unit
The brain: imaging techniques, cat or ct, cat/ ct scan one of the earliest brain scans was an x-ray machine. Injected with small, safe amount of radioa
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Retina, Railways Act 1921, Interposition
Visual perception and attention: visual perception of form. You could see anything if you could not distinguish a gure from the background. Depending o
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Sleepwalking, Unconscious Mind, Cerebellum
Sleep best studied altered state: brain activity varies during sleep. Alpha waves produced when people are relaxed but awake. Beta waves produced when
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Ceiling Fan, Albert Bandura, Classical Conditioning
PSY 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Puzzle Box, Negative Approach, Classical Conditioning
Extinction trials= in early research if pair stimuli without linking it then the subject will eventually stop responding. Spontaneous recovery subject