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Verified Documents for DOUGLAS, T.

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
ANTHRO 41A Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Eurocentrism, Fire Alarm System, Plants And Animals
ANTHRO 41A Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Daenerys Targaryen, Fake History, Imperial Cult
ANTHRO 41A Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Newsbank, Inc., Karl August Wittfogel, Reductionism
Paper assignment: must turn in a one paragraph summary to your ta (teaching assistant) on november 6th, the night of the midterm. Name, student id numb
ANTHRO 41A Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Cyrus Cylinder, Socratic Method, Zoroastrianism
5th ce bc key religious and philosophical points. The persian rulers granted religious tolerance; this is documented in the cyrus cylinder . +did not f
ANTHRO 41A Lecture 5: Anthro 41A Lecture 5
Enormous economic growth during the middle ages in this region. The eastern coast of africa (swahili coast) becomes extremely wealthy at this time. +gr
ANTHRO 41A Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Pope Leo Iii, Indulgence, Holy Lance
Blaut argues that european society transitioned from proto-capitalism as a result of the colonization of the americas. +he refers to an economically po
ANTHRO 41A Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Converting Vegetarians, Ninety-Five Theses, Calvinism
Unlikely to be graded until final: final. Study guide for the final from the professor will be posted next week: protestants. A term that refers to chr
ANTHRO 41A Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: John Calvin, Royal Netherlands Army, English Army
The middle class was becoming financially more powerful, but the church and nobility looked negatively at this change. The church generally taught that