PSYC 121 Lecture : Nature vs Nurture (Real Life Examples)

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27 May 2022

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Identify whether the traits listed in this chart below are due to nature, nurture or both. You are able to play a musical instrument, like the clarinet or guitar, very easily and very well. You are easily able to play the clarinet well without any practice. This is not a learned practice so it would be nature. You are not able to play lacrosse or soccer very well even though you really try hard. You can draw very well even though you don"t practice much. You cannot play soccer or lacrosse very well even though you try really hard. The effort is there to get better but biologically you aren"t meant for that sport--no matter how hard you try. You have difficulty memorizing the spelling of words even though you study them. The effort is there to get better and learn more but you just aren"t good enough to memorize very well so it"s both.

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