BIOL 2114L Lecture 6: Examining the Effect of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Biol 2114 Lab - PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 2
Document Summary
Activity 2: examining the e ect of vagus nerve stimulation. The e ect of the parasympathetic nervous system on the heart is to. The branch of the autonomic nervous system that dominates during exercise is. You correctly answered: vagus nerves, which are cranial nerves. Watch the contractile activity from the frog heart on the oscilloscope. You correctly answered: signals that decrease the heart rate. https://media. pearsoncmg. com/bc/bc_0media_ap/physioex/10/ex6/act2/ Enter the number of ventricular contractions per minute (from the heart rate display). The response that resumed the heartbeat after the vagus nerve stimulation is called. You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly. Extreme vagus nerve stimulation a ects the heart by. Research shows that, in the absence of neural and hormonal in uences, the sa node generates action potentials at a frequency of approximately 100 times per minute. However, the resting heart rate is approximately 70 beats per minute, which suggests that.