Help with Biology. Ive got some of the answers just need somehelp with others and see if what i have is good too.
Effect of enzyme concentration.
Ballon Diameter: (circumference):
TUBE 1: 15.5 cm
TUBE 2: 13.8 cm
TUBE 3: 8.8 cm
What is the enzyme in the experiment? What is the substrate?
Do you expect more enzyme activity if the substrateconcentration is increased or decreased? Explain. The moresubstrate you increase or decrease will cause the enzyme activityto increase or decrease up to a certain point. If you add to itthen it has more molecules to act upon. If you add enough substrateand all the enzymes are being used then it would reach a pointwhere there would be no further activity.
Effect of temperature.
Temperature (0C): 16 degrees celcius
Ballon Diameter (cm): 17.1 cm
Room Temperature:
Temperature (0C): 28 degrees celcius
Ballon Diameter (cm): 17.1 cm
Boiling Water:
Temperature (0C): 83 degrees celcius
Ballon Diamter (cm): 6.9 cm
What is the enzyme in the experiment? What is the substrate?
How does temperature affect enzyme function? An increase intemperature results in more kinetic energy of the enzyme andsubstrate. It is more likely to collide with the enzyme for areaction to take place. To much heat however can cause the bondswhich holds the enzyme in the very specific shape to break and itwill no longer function (denatured).
What is the function of amylase? What does amylase do to starch?Amylase is a digestive enzyme that acts on starch in food, itbrakes down the starch into smaller carbohydrate molecules. Amylaseis made in two places the salivary glands in your mouth whichstarts the digestive process by breaking down the starch in foodsas you chew and convert that into maltose a smaller carbohydrate.The other place is in the pancrease which completes the digestivecarbohydrate, producing glueclose, a small molecule absorbed intothe blood and carried throughout the body.
Why did you wait 5 minutes before spraying with IKIsolution?
Saliva does not contain amylase until babies are about twomonths old. How could this affect digestion? (Hint: babies do noeat cereal until about 2 months old.) Amylase is needed fordigestion of starches and complex carbohydrates, this makes thefood for babies to not be digested and possibly pass right throughthe babies system and into a diaper. It can also lead to gas andconstipation for the baby. In the case of a high protein food itcould even cause problems with a babies underdeveloped kidneys.Babies are not usually able to eat solid foods until they are 4 to6 months old.