BIOL 2114L Lecture 9: Effect of Pressure on Glomerular Filtration BIOL 2114 Lab - PhysioEx Exercise 9 Activity 2

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24 Dec 2022

Document Summary

Activity 2: the e ect of pressure on glomerular filtration. You correctly answered: blood pressure in the glomerular capillaries. The glomerular ltration rate can be altered by. You correctly answered: changing the a erent arteriole resistance. In 24 hours human glomerular capillaries can lter as much as __________ liters of ltrate. You correctly answered: normally, more than 40% of the blood that enters the glomerular capillaries becomes ltrate. Your answer: both pressure and ltration rate will increase. Your answer: pressure will increase and ltration rate will decrease. You correctly answered: pressure and ow are directly proportional. You correctly answered: a tumor obstructing the renal tubule. Status open open open open closed closed open. You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly. In humans, the glomerular ltration rate normally ranges from. You correctly answered: the glomerular ltration rate could increase. You correctly answered: the glomerular ltration rate would decrease.

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