
Listed below are several terms and phrases associated with current liabilities. Mach each List A to B

List A

1, Cash, current investments, and A/R all divided by current liabilities.

2, Payment is probable and can be reasonably estimated.

3, Gift cards

4, Long-term debt maturing within one year

5, Social Security and Medicare

6, Interest expense is recorded in the period interest is incurred rather than in the period interest is paid.

7, payment is reasonably possible and can be reasonably estimated.

8, Incurred on a notes payable.

9, Unsecured notes sold in minimum denominations of $25,000 with up to 270 days.

10, Classifying liabilities as either current or long-term helps inverstors and creditors assets this.

List B

a, Recoding a contingentliability

b, disclosure of a contingent liability

c, Interest expense


e, Commercial paper

f, The riskiness of a business's obligations

g, Current portion of Long-term debt

h, Unearned revenue

i, Acid=test ratio

j, Accual Accounting

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
30 Sep 2019

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