
Week One: Hands-on MIS Application Software ExerciseSolution

Store & Region Sales Database

This exercise helps students understand how a raw file of salestransactions can be analyzed to produce valuable information formanagers. Your challenge is to ask the right questionsabout the data and then present your case!

Import the data into Excel or Access (or compatiblespreadsheet/database). Use the data to perform the belowanalyses:

Analyze ALL THREE of the below items:

1.Best Performing Regions by TotalRevenue

2.Best Performing Stores by TotalRevenue

3.Best Selling Products by TotalRevenue

Select ONLY ONE of the below items:

A.Strongest Selling Period for eachProduct by Total Revenue

B.Strongest Selling Period for eachRegion by Total Revenue

C.Strongest Selling Period for eachStore by Total Revenue

Provide a business case – in the form of ONE descriptiveparagraph and ONE data table-- for eachanalysis. Each paragraph must refer to the informationpresented in the table using the labeled Table #. UseAPA format to label your tables.

SUBMIT– your final report with one WORDdocument and one EXCEL/ACCESS file.

Store & Region Sales Database
ID StoreNo SalesRegion ItemNo ItemDescription UnitPrice UnitsSold WeekEnding
1 1 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 28 10/27/10
2 1 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 30 11/24/10
3 1 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 9 12/29/10
4 1 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 30 10/27/10
5 1 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 35 11/24/10
6 1 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 39 12/29/10
7 1 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 28 10/27/10
8 1 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 3 11/24/10
9 1 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 38 12/29/10
10 1 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 25 10/27/10
11 1 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 27 11/24/10
12 1 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 33 12/29/10
13 2 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 8 10/27/10
14 2 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 8 11/24/10
15 2 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 10 12/29/10
16 2 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 8 10/27/10
17 2 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 8 11/24/10
18 2 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 8 12/29/10
19 2 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 9 10/27/10
20 2 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 9 11/24/10
21 2 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 8 12/29/10
22 2 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 18 10/27/10
23 2 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 18 11/24/10
24 2 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 20 12/29/10
25 3 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 38 10/27/10
26 3 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 30 11/24/10
27 3 South 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 3 12/29/10
28 3 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 30 10/27/10
29 3 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 32 11/24/10
30 3 South 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 33 12/29/10
31 3 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 25 10/27/10
32 3 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 5 11/24/10
33 3 South 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 26 12/29/10
34 3 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 28 10/27/10
35 3 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 27 11/24/10
36 3 South 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 29 12/29/10
37 4 North 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 18 10/27/10
38 4 North 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 20 11/24/10
39 4 North 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 4 12/29/10
40 4 North 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 12 10/27/10
41 4 North 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 24 11/24/10
42 4 North 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 36 12/29/10
43 4 North 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 29 10/27/10
44 4 North 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 11 11/24/10
45 4 North 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 38 12/29/10
46 4 North 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 21 10/27/10
47 4 North 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 24 11/24/10
48 4 North 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 30 12/29/10
49 5 North 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 27 10/27/10
50 5 North 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 25 11/24/10
51 5 North 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 23 12/29/10
52 5 North 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 80 10/27/10
53 5 North 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 82 11/24/10
54 5 North 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 75 12/29/10
55 5 North 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 65 10/27/10
56 5 North 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 24 11/24/10
57 5 North 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 55 12/29/10
58 5 North 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 55 10/27/10
59 5 North 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 57 11/24/10
60 5 North 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 47 12/29/10
61 6 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 24 10/27/10
62 6 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 85 11/24/10
63 6 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 56 12/29/10
64 6 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 52 10/27/10
65 6 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 58 11/24/10
66 6 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 69 12/29/10
67 6 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 35 10/27/10
68 6 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 39 11/24/10
69 6 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 44 12/29/10
70 6 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 78 10/27/10
71 6 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 88 11/24/10
72 6 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 99 12/29/10
73 7 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 34 10/27/10
74 7 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 36 11/24/10
75 7 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 35 12/29/10
76 7 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 49 10/27/10
77 7 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 47 11/24/10
78 7 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 48 12/29/10
79 7 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 45 10/27/10
80 7 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 42 11/24/10
81 7 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 45 12/29/10
82 7 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 55 10/27/10
83 7 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 57 11/24/10
84 7 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 55 12/29/10
85 8 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 18 10/27/10
86 8 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 17 11/24/10
87 8 East 2005 17"Monitor $229.00 23 12/29/10
88 8 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 22 10/27/10
89 8 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 18 11/24/10
90 8 East 3006 101Keyboard $19.95 22 12/29/10
91 8 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 14 10/27/10
92 8 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 16 11/24/10
93 8 East 6050 PC Mouse $8.95 17 12/29/10
94 8 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 32 10/27/10
95 8 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 28 11/24/10
96 8 East 8500 DesktopCPU $849.95 30 12/29/10

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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