
MGM110-1102A-11 Principles of Business
Task Name: Phase 5 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 1,800–2,000 words
Details: You are a business consultant tasked by your chosencompany to help fill in some important parts of the overallbusiness plan. It is essential that companies look at technologicalopportunities to reach global markets. Create a final businessrecommendation for your selected company. Focus on 5 distinctsections for this final project as follows.
Analyze global opportunities for your selected company. Choose 2countries where the company should expand its operations. If thecompany is already global, consider 2 countries where the companyis not currently operating.
Part I: Executive Summary
Create an executive summary about the current state of yourcompany. Include the following information:
• Overview of the company including size and revenue
• Leadership team
• Mission statement
• Business ethics and social responsibility
• Product mix
• Current financial state
Part II: Technological Opportunities
• Based on the company’s current products and services, whattechnological opportunities are available to expand the company’scurrent operations?
• Does the company offer e-commerce opportunities?
• How does technology allow the company to hire diverse employeesfrom around the world?
Part III: Marketing Opportunities
Look for new customer segments in your selected countries thatmight be interested in the company’s products.
• What products will sell well in the 2 countries?
• Define the reasons why the products may or may not sellwell.
• What are the psychographics and demographics of your targetedcustomers?
• What are the controllable and uncontrollable variables of thecountries and the company’s products that can affect salessuccess?
• How does the product fit with the country’s culture?
• Create 1 promotion to sell one of your company’s products.
Part IV: The Recruitment Presentation
• Make revisions to your recruitment presentation based on yourcolleagues’ comments and discussions last week.
• Add this section to this key assignment.
Part V: Future Opportunities
Write a final summary about the future opportunities of yourcompany.
• How can it measure its success in the future?
• Will it expand globally? Why?
• What new customers should it try to reach?
• Are there new products that will help grow the company?
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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019

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