
The inventory of Product PIT and data on purchases and sales fora two-month period follow. The company closes its books at the endof each month. It uses the periodic inventory system.

Apr. 1 Beginning inventory 50 units @ $204

10 Purchase 100 units @ $220

17 Sale 90 units

30 Ending inventory 60 units

May 2 Purchase 100 units @ $216

14 Purchase 50 units @ $224

22 Purchase 60 units @ $234

30 Sale 200 units

31 Ending inventory 70 units


1. Compute the cost of ending inventory of ProductPIT on April 30 and May 31using the average-cost method. Inaddition, determine cost of goods sold for April and May. Roundunit costs to cents and totals to dollars.

2. Compute the cost of the ending inventory on April 30 and May31 using the FIFO method. In addition, determine cost of goods soldfor April and May. 3. Compute the cost of the ending inventory onApril 30 and May 31 using the LIFO method. In addition, determinecost of goods sold for April and May.

4. Do the cash flows from operations for April and May differdepending on which inventory costing method is used—average-cost,FIFO, or LIFO? Explain.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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