
Multiple Choice Questions

1. A cost center is a unit of a business that incurs costs butdoes not directly generate revenues. Which of the following woulddefinitely not be considered a cost center?
A. Accounting department.
B. Purchasing department.
C. Research department
D. Advertising department.
E. All of these could be considered cost centers.

2. A unit of a business that not only incurs costs, but alsogenerates revenues, is called a:
A. Performance center.
B. Profit center.
C. Cost center.
D. Responsibility center.
E. Expense center.

3. Regardless of the system used in departmental costanalysis:
A. Direct costs are allocated, indirect costs are not.
B. Indirect costs are allocated, direct costs are not.
C. Both direct and indirect costs are allocated.
D. Neither direct nor indirect costs are allocated.
E. Total departmental costs will always be the same.

4. An accounting system that provides information thatmanagement can use to evaluate the profitability and/or costeffectiveness of a department's activities is a:
A. Departmental accounting system.
B. Cost accounting system.
C. Service accounting system.
D. Revenue accounting system.
E. Standard accounting system.

5. Expenses that are easily traced and assigned to a specificdepartment because they are incurred for the sole benefit of thatdepartment are called:
A. Direct expenses.
B. Indirect expenses.
C. Controllable expenses.
D. Uncontrollable expenses.
E. Fixed expenses.

6. Costs that the manager has the power to determine or at leaststrongly influence are called:
A. Uncontrollable costs.
B. Controllable costs.
C. Joint costs.
D. Direct costs.
E. Indirect costs.

7. Responsibility account performance reports:
A. Become more detailed at higher levels of management.
B. Become less detailed at higher levels of management.
C. Are equally detailed at all levels of management.
D. Are useful in any format.
E. Are irrelevant.

8. Which of the following is an example of a performance measureof internal business processes which would be found in a balancedscorecard?
A. Product defect rates
B. Number of new customers
C. Employee satisfaction
D. Return on Investment
E. Sales growth

9. Which of the following is an example of a performance measureof the customer perspective which would be found in a balancedscorecard?
A. Product defect rates
B. Number of new customers
C. Employee satisfaction
D. Return on Investment
E. Sales growth

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019
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