
Accounting Equation

The total assets and total liabilities of Pat's Coffee & TeaInc. and Pam's Corporation are shown below.

Pat's Coffee & Tea Inc. (in millions)

Pam's Corporation (in millions)







Determine the stockholders' equity of each company.

Pat's Coffee & Tea Inc. stockholders' equity

$ ______

Pam's Corporation stockholders' equity

$ ______

Go44 is a motivational consulting business. At the end of itsaccounting period, December 31, 2015, Go44 has assets of $720,000and liabilities of $180,000. Using the accounting equation andconsidering each case independently, determine the followingamounts:

a. Stockholders' equity as of December 31,2015.

b. Stockholders' equity as of December 31,2016, assuming that assets increased by $96,500 and liabilitiesincreased by $30,000 during 2016.

c. Stockholders' equity as of December 31,2016, assuming that assets decreased by $168,000 and liabilitiesincreased by $15,000 during 2016.

d. Stockholders' equity as of December 31,2016, assuming that assets increased by $175,000 and liabilitiesdecreased by $18,000 during 2016.

e. Net income (or net loss) during 2016,assuming that as of December 31, 2016, assets were $880,000,liabilities were $220,000, and no additional common stock wasissued or dividends paid.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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