
winter's , manufacturer of winter coats, current year'spredetermined overhead rate is 75% of direct labor cost.

Prepare the ending inventory value that would be presented onthe balance sheet and winter's income statement.

requires : write down the detailed calculation process ( how doyou gets those number)

beginning materials inventory 35,000

beginning work in process 20,000

beginning finished goods inventory 15,000

materials purchased 30,000

direct materials requested ?

direct labor cost incurred 30,000

direct labor paid 28,000

overhead applied ?

costs of units completed 50,000

costs of goods sold ?

ending materials inventory 15,000

ending working in process ?

ending finished goods 33,000

sales 60,000

administrative expense 15,000

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019

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