
Bath suppliers LTD is a manufacturer of standard fiberglassbathtubs with the following costs and selling price.
Selling Price $140 per unit
Variable Manufacturing costs $64 per unit
Fixed Manufacturing Costs $660,000 per year
Variable Selling Expenses $12 per unit
Fixed Selling Expenses $148,000

A) Determine the breakeven point in units and sales dollars.
B) Determine the number of units that must be sold to earn $109,120after tax of 38 percent.
C) If budgeted pre-tax operating income is $192,000 what is themargin of safety in units?
D) If pre-tax operating income is $192,000--1) What is the degreeof operating leverage? 2) What would be the dollar increase inprofit if sales icnreased by 10 percent?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019

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