
Aggie Corporation made a distribution of $514,000 to Rusty Cedar in partial liquidation of the company on December 31 of this year. Rusty, an individual, owns 100 percent of Aggie Corporation. The distribution was in exchange for 50 percent of Rusty’s stock in the company. At the time of the distribution, the shares had a fair market value of $159 per share. Rusty’s income tax basis in the shares was $35 per share. Aggie had total E&P of $8,480,000 at the time of the distribution.

b. Assuming Aggie made no other distributions to Rusty during the year, by what amount does Aggie reduce its total E&P as a result of the partial liquidation?
b. Assuming Aggie made no other distributions to Rusty during the year, by what amount does Aggie reduce its total E&P as a result of the partial liquidation?

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
9 Apr 2020

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