
Those are square roots with x in diagram above for part one.

Diagram for part two.

Mrs.Thomas wants to do some renovations to her backyard. She wants toget a swimming pool built in the shape of the letter L. The shapeis formed from two squares with side dimensions x and asshown.

A. Write down an expression for the area of the swimming poolsurface.

B. The area A is to be 30 m2. Write a quadratic equation thatexpresses this information.

C. Find both the solutions of your equation in part (b). Show allwork.

D. Which of the solutions in part (c) is the correct value of x forthe pool? State briefly why you made this choice.
Part 2
Mrs. Thomas also has a garden in her yard and wants to put a50-meter rectangular fence around it. She only needs to fence in 3sides because the other side is alongside the house.

The width of the garden is denoted by x, and the length by y.

A. Write an expression for y in terms of x.

B. Write an expression for the area, A, of the garden, in terms ofx.

C. If the area is 200 m2, find the dimensions of the garde

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
1 May 2019

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