28 Feb 2019

Answer the following True or False questions and briefly explain your answers.

True or False EXPLAIN: Most human cells, in a single individual, contain the same amount and type of DNA

True or False EXPLAIN: Most human cells, in a single individual, contain the same amount and type of protein.

True or False EXPLAIN: Once a gene is transcribed, it is always translated immediately.

True or False EXPLAIN: RNA polymerase binds to the promoters of all genes at all times, so that it is prepared for transcription.

True or False EXPLAIN: Some transcription factors are general (they play a role in the transcription of most or all genes), while other transcription factors are specific to just a few genes.

True or False: EXPLAIN Turning genes on at the right time and place requires both specific regulatory DNA sequences and specific regulatory proteins.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
1 Mar 2019

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