16 Oct 2018

Coat color in cats is determined by genes at several different loci. At one locus on the X chromosome, one allele (X+) encodes black fur, another allele (X0) encodes orange fur. Another autosomal locus determines whether the fur has pigment deposited or not; one allele encodes for white fur (dominant, variable expressivity) and the other allele encodes for color (recessive). A Calico female cat (white, orange and black) mates with a black and white male cat. Using this information answer the following questions.

A. Explain how barr bodies relate to copper and black coloring in female cats. Include a definition of barr bodies and why they are present.

B. Provide a possible explanation for how expression of the gene that allows pigmentation is variably expressed in different individuals.

C. List all possible male and female cat phenotypes and genotypes.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
19 Oct 2018

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