9 Feb 2018

Can someone help me answer these questions.

1. Outline the important differences between using primary cell cultures and established cell lines to study cell function.

2. Briefly describe how activation of the “intrinsic” pathway of apoptosis leads to caspase activation and programmed cell death.

3. Explain what is meant by asymmetric cell division of stem cells and describe briefly its importance and the mechanisms by which it occurs.

4. Describe the main stages of the eukaryote cell cycle.

5. Briefly explain the importance of chondrocytes in osteoblast formation in the skeleton.

6. What role does the sealing zone have in the osteoclast?

7. Explain how the regulation of bone mass is affected by RANK-L secretion by osteocytes.

8. What physical stimuli are thought to initiate osteocyte mechanotransduction?

9. Outline why cells have a membrane potential and how the membrane can have electrical capacitance.

10.Briefly describe how ion channel function in the cell membrane can be measured in real time.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
12 Feb 2018
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