25 Mar 2019

Suppose you were studying several species of monkeys. In one, males never helped females raise offspring. In another, males provided just as much parental care as females except for actually carrying the fetus during pregnancy. How does the fundamental asymmetry of sex compare in the two species? How would you expect sexual dimorphism to compare between the two species?

A) For the species in which the males never help raise offspring, the fundamental asymmetry of sex is small and sexual dimorphism should be lower than for species in which males always help raise offspring.
B) For the species in which the males never help raise offspring, the fundamental asymmetry of sex is pronounced and sexual dimorphism should be lower than for species in which males always help raise offspring.
C) For the species in which the males never help raise offspring, the fundamental asymmetry of sex is small and sexual dimorphism should be higher than for species in which males always help raise offspring.
D) For the species in which the males never help raise offspring, the fundamental asymmetry of sex is pronounced and sexual dimorphism should be higher than for species in which males always help raise offspring.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
27 Mar 2019

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