
123) Thegreenhouse effect is a natural and important phenomenonbecause

A) itremoves smog from affected areas.

B) itmaintains the surface temperature on Earth.

C) itreverses the effect that CFCs have on the ozone layer.

D) itdecreases the amount of carbon dioxide in thestratosphere.

E) itreverses the effects of deforestation.

124) Deepunderground reservoirs of water are called


B) eutrophiczones.

C)non-phototrophic zones.


E) seismicbuffers.

125)Eutrophication of a lake most likely is the result of

A) adecrease in oxygen content of the water.

B) elevatednitrogen and oxygen gas levels in the water.

C) anincrease in atmospheric pressure associated with surfacewaters.

D)competitive exclusion.

E) excessiveconcentrations of organic and inorganic nutrients.

126)Stopping global warming will require commitment by all nations andwill not be easy. One of the most promising strategies involvingstoring or burying CO2 undergone or deep in theoceans, a process termed


B)sedimentary cycle.

C) carbonsequestration.

D)compliment fixation.

E) carbondioxide scrubbing.

127) Powerplants are undergoing a process known as "scrubbing" that isexpected to improve conditions associated with

A) acidrain.



D) thegreenhouse effect.

E) ozonedepletion.

128) Whichof the following is true regarding the water on Earth?

A) whenhumans divert water from one region to another, they always ensurethat it does not have an effect on normal migration patterns ofother species.

B) most ofthe water on Earth is frozen in glaciers and ice caps.

C) residentsof the less industrialized countries typically use more water thanresidents in industrialized countries.

D) somesemiarid and desert regions of the world have reached carryingcapacity for humans due to the shortage of water.

E) water isconsidered a renewable resource because it is plentiful in allregions of Earth.

129)Toxicants occurring in aquatic ecosystems are highly subjected tobiomagnification, meaning

A) thepollutants take a long time to breakdown.

B) thepollutants occur in higher concentrations in tissues of organismshigher up in the food chain.

C) the toxicchemicals specifically target primary producers, disrupting theentire food web.

D) thechemicals are converted to more toxic compounds once in thewater.

E) the toxicchemicals accumulate in the upper (photic) zones of thewater.

130) Chinais depleting its underground water supply at an alarming rate inthe North China Plain because

A) decadesof severe drought have plagued the region.

B) water wasdiverted from the region to the Olympic village during the BeijingOlympics.

C) waterfrom melting glaciers has failed to replenish aquifers.

D) manywells were drilled to increase agricultural productivity, yetrefilling of the aquifers has been slow.

E) oildrilling has contaminated the water supply to many villages in theregion.

131)According to public health officials, which of the following may becaused by water pollutants?

A) birthdefects

B) nervousdisorders


D) skinrashes

E) all ofthe above are correct

132) Whichof the following pollutants is generally stored in dry locationsbecause they remain a potential problem for thousands ofyears?

A)radioactive waste

B) PANs(peroxyacyl nitrates)


D) heavymetals

E) gasolineand oil

133)Freshwater is most likely to be polluted

A) by oilspills in ocean water moving inland.

B) as aresult of eutrophication.

C) primarilyby contaminants from aquifers moving to surface waters.

D) fromrunoff associated with urban areas chemicals used in farming inrural areas.

E) byradioactive waste seeping from nuclear reactors.

134) Arenewable energy source that taps into heat produced deep belowground is called




D)'subterranean' wind.

E) a fossilfuel.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
29 Sep 2019
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