Match the following components of the evidence-based publichealth approach to the description that follows:
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the most common cause ofdeath between age 1 month and one year. Twenty years ago itresulted in over 5,000 deaths per year.
The guidance for having infant sleep on their back to reduce theincidence of SIDS has a grade of A.
Case-control studies were important in establishing a cause andeffect relationship between having infants sleep prone and SuddenInfant Death Syndrome.
The Back-to-Sleep campaign directed information at parents andcaregivers with the involvement of clinicians, crib manufacturers,and the media. The mortality from SIDS fell by approximately 50%within several years of the beginning of the Back-to-Sleepcampaign
A. Problem Description
B. Etiology
C. Implementation and Evaluation
D. Recommendations
Match the following components of the evidence-based publichealth approach to the description that follows:
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the most common cause ofdeath between age 1 month and one year. Twenty years ago itresulted in over 5,000 deaths per year.
The guidance for having infant sleep on their back to reduce theincidence of SIDS has a grade of A.
Case-control studies were important in establishing a cause andeffect relationship between having infants sleep prone and SuddenInfant Death Syndrome.
The Back-to-Sleep campaign directed information at parents andcaregivers with the involvement of clinicians, crib manufacturers,and the media. The mortality from SIDS fell by approximately 50%within several years of the beginning of the Back-to-Sleepcampaign
A. Problem Description
B. Etiology
C. Implementation and Evaluation
D. Recommendations